Andrei Martinenco

Software Developer

About me

Hello! My name is Andrei and I am Software Developer from Toronto, Ontario.

Throughout my career I had opportunities to work in different areas of IT such as QA, tech support and system administration. When I learned how to complete my work tasks by writing automated scripts, I've discovered my passion for programming.

I currently work with technologies such as Java and JavaScript but in my spare time I enjoy learning about DevOps and Cloud.


WebRTC Video Chat

This is video WebRTC Video Chat that allows user to make video calls to each other.

  • WebRTC Video Calling
  • Text chat
  • Screen sharing
  • Authentication
Front End: ReactJS, TypeScript, MaterialUI

Back End: NodeJS, Express,, MongoDB, Redis, Heroku


A Video Game written in Java with LibGDX framework.

  • Spacial Hashing for collision detection
  • Object Pooling
  • Custom made touch controls

Andrei Vs CompSci

A software for publishing own blog articles.

  • CRUD functionality
  • Custom admin panel
  • Wysiwyg editor for articles
Front End: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Back End: Python, Django, PostgreSQL

CRWN Clothing (ZTM React course project)

This is the project from the ZTM (Zero to Mastery) ReactJS course. By building this project I've learned how to work with ReactJS.

  • Shopping cart
  • Authentication with Firebase (Google Signin or Email/Password)
Front End: React, Redux, Redux-saga

Back End: Firebase for authentication and item storage, NodeJS, Stripe API for payments

NASA Mission control (ZTM NodeJS course project)

This is the project from the ZTM (Zero to Mastery) NodeJS course.

By doing this project I've learned how to:
  • Structure NodeJS project
  • Work with ExpressJS
  • Create CRUD functionality with REST API
  • Work with MongoDB
  • Work with Docker
  • Deploy project to AWS

Front End: ReactJS, ARWES UI

Back End: NodeJS, Express, Docker, AWS
